Critical Texts

The reaction of the viewer who comes across in "fairy tales marine" of Luigi Tosti, is to surprise to the result of a refined pictorial writing, including watercolor and gouache, sensitive to the masters of the views of water and sky, and Venetians Dutch in particular, but also the Anglo-Saxon culture of "less is more" applies to everyday life with a light touch. Finished, though, so far, the similarities, Luigi Tosti radicalizes the relationship between solid and void, and gives big, unprecedented, space just white, the emptiness is not nothingness, but the spiritual dimension, the unspoken accompanying what It manifests. Luigi Tosti, in its poetic amplifications, produces uncontrolled and uncontrollable trespassing in the dimension of fairy-tale, creating the fascinating aesthetic appeal of his compositions, a charming musicality can make us enjoy a sense of spiritual things, which is the main goal of the existing a harmony more grande.Luigi Tosti in his "fairy tales marine" opens real and compelling way out to the apparent predictability of our existential journey.

Gianluca Tedaldi of Talasca - Art Critic

In the new space universes is the subtle, solemn elegance in "fairy tales marine" of Luigi Tosti. The density of the white liquid invades with visionary brilliance theoretical space in which the actors' voices are lost slowly until it becomes magical and eco muffled silence. Distant from the point of perspective, the actors seem to stop their time in space measured granting the large hatch of light to establish itself as the true protagonist of the scene. In a certain way Luigi Tosti seems to own the technique transfigurative light typical of the Impressionists and with a solid technique pushes to propagate toward a hyperrealism accent surreal.

Carmen De Stasio - Art Critic

The "marine tales" of Luigi Tosti are works full of meanings. They walk up and get bigger emotions of the subjects and you realize that you're letting emotions as immersed in a cloud when you are alone. If you want it, you can look through the scenarios of Luigi Tosti and approach the mystery in your life when it crosses the falls superfluous. From white, infinite space of possibilities, the essential emerges that takes shape and color inside you. Indelibly.

Luana Silighini - Journalist Ansa

Artistic expression purest of Luigi Tosti was born from the depths of your soul, where feelings, dreams, desires, harbored. The artist's works are not good photos, but the charming poems, full of magic and suspended atmospheres, overflowing with light and shadow on the edge of the supernatural. They are deduced in these universal values ​​and shared concepts, without any kind of cultural or ideological barrier. If we join ideally all the works of Luigi Tosti, they face a story, the story of the life of man.

Fabrizia Ranelletti - Art Critic

Luigi Tosti loves Venice, he falls in love, the dreams of imagine, visiting the shows, with bravura. An unprecedented beauty of Venice, Venice a unique color, a Venice that Luigi Tosti capture in his images, surprising even in its metaphysical. An artist, filmmaker, who engages in a personal, evocative screenplay for a dream thought, chased, loved, caught, did come true.

Fattino Tedeschi - Art Critic

Pictorial use of photography of Luigi Tosti, where the light and dark reflections and shades not only generate color effects, but a real atmosphere, so there is no need to read the work through mental superstructures, because what speaks is the emotion.

Sofia Pettinelli - Art Critic

Photos ... are really beautiful, artistic and poetic. I confess that when I speak of artistic photography am always a bit 'skeptical ... but Luigi Tosti ha developed its own language ... made watermarks, lights e movements, where the photo is only the starting point, set in the emotional rather simple e and direct. Just how does the artist with his paintings ...

Roberto Pompili - Journalist

Dreams photographic poems for images, in any case the works of Luigi Tosti is an example of creativity that we offer willingly.

Michele Buonanni - Director of the magazine Reflex

In fairy tales marine with your art summarizing, minimize, centralises, choose, communicate and find yourself with your elegant sensitivity, with an inherent subtlety and without fuss. With miniature figures Seize in its essence of life, with a rarefied atmosphere, real, but exquisitely surreal, verging on spirituality caught in its becoming universal,  Luigi Tosti sets his work on the limit, on the limit imposed by techniques the he transgresses continually finding new spaces of narration. The images that Luigi Tosti "stops" in an act of appropriation that is both conceptual and sentimental representations are loaded from his artistic eye that invites you to linger where there is never attention. Scraps general, metaphors, details that indicate a totality never acquirable, but always sought.

Viviana Meschesi - Art Critic

Luigi Tosti is a total artist

Roberto Tomesani - General Coordinator National Association of Professional Photographers Tau Visual

Luigi Tosti, with his "Republic of fairy tales", has "reimagined" Venice in an area of water more emotional than geographical. A Venice novel takes the place of Venice eroded by tidal waves of habit, a Venice where the "known" becomes "the unexplored", a Venice timeless and borderless, a Venice where the "once upon a time" resurfaces magically intact, the "there is still". A Venice where the sign is measured, but pindaric, tangible and yet evanescent, with a sudden harmonic and visionary that would attract the interest of Fellini.

Maria Teresa Prestigiacomo, art critic, lecturer and journalist